Monday, February 9, 2015

When Trust Is Lost

      I still like to fancy myself rather young.  In the spirit of newness to this world, I acknowledge that I haven't experienced a ton of things, although I have a foundation of understanding at this point to lay my feet upon.  In earlier posts I've managed to take some not so beautiful things and flip them into something beautiful; something growing, enlightening, and meaningful.  But what happens when we find ourselves in the midst of something that no words of wisdom, scripture, logic, or even anger can answer?  Are we less because we fail to find some spunky reason or comfort in the midst of our heartache and angst?
      I battle between my 'Christian" understanding and value of things and just sheer bafflement at how human beings can be so god damn depraved of character and values.  I'm going to do my best at setting aside my theological beliefs for a moment because at this time, and a time that many experience, they hold no baring on the gut wrenching feeling we can experience at times.

When we love someone, what do we do when the shades are pulled and we see a character that we wouldn't choose to love?  What do we do when we've been scorned and trust is lost?

      Well, if you've been in an intimate relationship of any sort for a long duration of time; ya probably work it out (at least that's what's been exemplified for me).  If you are finding yourself in this spot with someone that you haven't had a close relationship for a long amount of time; you have to dig deep within.  I mean, we all do, but even more so as a single individual.  We need to examine how we got to be so close with someone that was able to pull the rose colored blinds over our eyes so well.
       It's not in my nature to leave things uninspired, and fueled with energy, and purpose.  It's just not.  I'm actively fighting not to do so right now out of sheer habit.  The truth is, some people hurt us. Some people don't see us.  We get trampled on.  We dust ourselves off, or least try to, and we move on.  We have to, because what's our other option?

      When trust is lost due to someone's actions, we have to look closely at ourselves and ask, why was I here in the first place?