Thursday, April 2, 2015

Do As I Say, Not As I Do; The Art Of Hypocrisy

      We've all been there.  That spot where we instruct those around us to do or perform in a certain manner that is contrary to what we actually practice.  If we tell people to do the "right" way, why is it so hard for us to follow our own words?
       I've recently come in contact with the most blaring hypocrite I've personally known.  Life has forced me to have my life aligned with this individual.  There appears to be no awareness, or guilt of the continued hypocrisy.  This individuals actions and words continue to never match.  It's rather stunning to witness this disconnect.  The outcome of this continued presence in my life has not just been my own bafflement but the need for me to examine my own hypocrisy.
   "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3

         For the last 13 years I have been in one position or another of leadership.  This has come in the form of ministry, educating, social-work, mentoring, coaching, various forms of community involvement, and working as a supervisor.  My life has taken on positions of leadership where I counsel people in morality and ethics.  It's easy for me to counsel people in the direction of right and wrong.  At times it is difficult for me to do as I say.  
         I preach self-love and self-care, yet I rarely give it to myself.  I call those around me to extend grace and forgiveness to themselves but rarely extend mercy within.  I encourage people to follow their passions and dreams, yet, have allowed myself to be grounded to circumstances. I advocate for balance and moderation, yet go to extremes with myself. The list goes on....
       My patience runs thin with the said hypocrite in my life.  I'm always stunned at this individuals ability to move through life constantly contradicting their own words.  Instead of letting this fuel anger inside myself, I'm choosing to let it fuel change within.  I need to focus on the plank in my eye.  Let us become better by the people that challenge us and consider, what is the plank in my eye. 

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